Introduction To Marketing Technology Course

Pig Scripts and Oozie Workflow

Don’t teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig – Robert Heinlein Pig Scripts query big data and generate output files. Once. If you want them to do the same thing everyday, you need to schedule them. That is where Oozie comes in. Oozie is a pig scheduler. Now, obviously,… Continue reading Pig Scripts and Oozie Workflow

Introduction To Marketing Technology Course

Real Time Signaling – Storm Topologies

Philosopher: Which came first – the chicken or the egg? Storm Developer: It depends on the topology! WHEN If you are an advertiser, there are two common situations when you will absolutely need real time event processing: Transactional Emails / Trigger Based Emails: The user performs an action in one part of your product eco-system… Continue reading Real Time Signaling – Storm Topologies

Introduction To Marketing Technology Course

How Link Redirection Works

You can spin up a web server on your laptop by typing the following command in your terminal. python -m CGIHTTPServer That is it! You can test it out by creating an html file in the same folder called index.html and accessing it through browser by typing http://localhost:8000/index.html Let us say the contents of index.html was:… Continue reading How Link Redirection Works

Introduction To Marketing Technology Course

How to query Hadoop for getting counts

$100,000 One Hundred Thousand Dollars. Just sitting there in plain sight – waiting to be picked up. It is yours, if you only have the courage and wisdom to pick it up. No one is stopping you! There is no resistance. “What is the catch?”, you may ask. There is none really! It is an… Continue reading How to query Hadoop for getting counts

Introduction To Marketing Technology Course

How to track Email Opens

Imagine you had something important to say to someone. And that only way you could say it was through an email. It could be professing love. Or applying for a job. Or seeking an advice. Or apologizing. You took days to write this email, poured your heart and soul into it, mustered the courage and… Continue reading How to track Email Opens

Introduction To Marketing Technology Course

Intro To MarTech: Course Overview

Hello New Marketing Technologists, Your success in this role depends on you mastering key concepts in Marketing and Engineering. I have designed a 1 quarter course work. In these 30 minute sessions / blog posts, I will go over one concept a day. There will be 3/4 sessions per week. Here is the schedule for… Continue reading Intro To MarTech: Course Overview